School Cultures

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Math Carnival

Our Annual Math Carnival is almost here! The carnival is taking place on Tuesday, Oct. 19 from 6:30-8:00. We have games, a cupcake walk, graphs, painted pumpkins, FOOD, trail mix, ring toss, a book table, face painting and lots of fun planned. Please try to attend and support our students!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vocabulary Parade

It's almost time for a "dress-up" day at WT...exciting. The 2nd annual vocab parade will be on Friday, October 29th. The assembly will begin at 2:00 and will last an hour. Have room parents set up a treat for your kids after the assembly. Remember that the vocab dress-up, treat and assembly are in lieu of Halloween parties and costumes; be sure to stress this with the kids and room parents. You will have a letter in your mailbox by Monday 10/11 to send home. This is also the day to read the book, Miss Alaineus. Help your students to come up with a great word that is appropriate for your grade level and they should work on their costume at home. Also, teachers should start thinking of words too. The kids love to see what we come up with and how we're going to dress-up.